After the successful installation of a number of biogas plants, we are preparing for a solar cooker and briquette oven project for supporting poor families
Welcome @ Little Stars
We warmly welcome our new staff members in the Little Stars Health Posts in Amthang and Okharpauwa. Uma and Susmita are now working there for
Information Events
After the forced break caused by Corona, we have resumed our educational events. The staff of our health stations educate school children about health and
Eye Camp in Kimtang
Today and tomorrow big eye camp in two schools in Kimtang. About 600 children will be examined by staff of the eye clinic in Trisuli
Monthly Child Vaccination
Once a month we organise a big vaccination campaign in our Health Post in Balchaur. All children under 2 years of age are vaccinated according
Playground Equipment for Balchaur
Today the new playground equipment donated by Little Stars was inaugurated at Balchaur Primary School: four swings, two seesaws and two slides. Lots of fun
Tailoring Training Kimtang
Women are the key person for children’s care in Nepalese families. If they are skilled and earning their own income, this could make a big
School Excursion Kathmandu
We took the children of Mahalaxmi School on an excursion to Kathmandu. The children visited a beautiful park, played games and enjoyed different yummy food.
Dental Camp in Balchaur
We successfully organised a Dental Camp for the children of 3 different schools in the Balchaur region. 770 Children visited our camp and received the
Eye Camp in Balchaur
We successfully conducted a 3-day Surgical Eye Camp in Balchaur Kailali. In total 1129 people visited the camp, 154 successful cataract operations were done and